12 WOC Reads in August 2018

  1. Meet Yasmin! by Saadia Faruqi, Hatem Aly August 1st 2018 by Picture Window Books "Meet Yasmin! Yasmin Ahmad is a spirited second-grader who's always on the lookout for those "aha" moments to help her solve life's little problems. Taking inspiration from her surroundings and her big imagination, she boldly faces any situation, assuming her imagination... Continue Reading →

[Review] God Smites and Other Muslim Girl Problems by Ishara Deen

(How gorgeous is that cover!?) Please note that my review is not written from an #ownvoices perspective, so I urge you to check out Saadia's review,  MuslimahMediaWatch and Ruzaika's thoughts! *** Mysteries are my comfort reads, but the genre tends to be super white at first and often at second glance, too, so I'm always... Continue Reading →

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